On this page some texts are in English, some in Danish.
The DesignWISE methodology was first presentet by professor Ida Engholm in her book Design for the New World. From Human Design to Planet Design published in 2023. Theoretically, DesignWISE is rooted in design and design thinking and systemic management. In addition, perspectives are drawn from indigenous wisdom traditions as they have been developed in indigenous cultures, whose knowledge of nature’s built-in processes exists in an unbroken line that stretches back millennia, and which – if we can learn to (re)connect with this knowledge – can hold potential to help us out of the crisis.
In that sense, DesignWISE is both a theory and a method, and as member of the DesignWISE work collaborative I have been part of developing this into a more tangible method described in the DesignWISE Handbook. This is a facilitator handbook that provides suggestions for how we can work with the approaches in practice through frameworks, phase models, and guidelines to facilitate concrete change and development processes. In the video above my lovely colleague Christina Funder and I are facilitation the opening of the Design Matters Conference 2024. DesignWISE site here.

Below are sketches from my development process of working with the DesignWISE methode focusing on developing tangible objects – and also pictures of the DesignWISE Booklet used in DesignWISE Circles.

A mind of a new matter
From the fall of 2023 , I personally particularly delved into – Form follows consciousness, – one of the DesignWISE hypotheses, which originates from Otto Scharmer, Theory U, and in the book is highlighted as a ‘driver’ for transformation. In this process I have and still experiment with varies ways to wonder and disrupt my consciousness. This requires more exploration and I hope it will lead to either an article series or some other way to convey my experiences and new insights and realizations. The working title is – A matter of a new mind.
The how …
I am interested in contributing to the development of new designs and developing methods, because we know, that what we are doing today does not work. We therefore need to find or develop new ways – that is, methods for – how we can do things in a new way. Methods that can support the development of new, more sustainable proposals and solutions. Below are tools, some I have developed myself, some I have developed together with others, as well as methods developed by other talented people that I have come across and would like to share. Some are in Danish and others in English, which reflects the place of origin and use.
For mapping companies value chains, and seek for ways to close loops.

The Bricks are developed by me, Henriette in 2015-16. I started designing the value chain pieces when I was project manager at Lifestyle & Design Cluster and worked with the project ‘Fokuserede Værdikæde-samarbejde‘. Here, we helped companies identify circular business opportunities, and this required a good overview of their value chain. The Bricks were designed to help companies get that overview and see the whole system they are part of more clearly, for them to find any blind spots in the supply chain. We were of course in particularly interested in investigating if we could close any new loops, to create more circular economy.

De grønne metode kort er tiltænkt udviklingsfasen af nye produkter. Grundideen er, at du skal stille spørgsmål (ASK), så du selv og evt den virksomhed du samarbejder med finder svar, så der efterfølgende kan handles (ACT) på denne viden. Kortene er en ‘hjælpe’ til dig til at stille de gode, grønne, relevante og hensigtmæssige spørgsmål undervejs i udviklingsprocessen, så du ledes til at finde mere grønne og bæredygtige løsninger. Vi ved fra forskning af 80-90% af et produkts miljøimpact besluttes i udviklingsfasen, (Graedel, T. E., Reaves Comrie, P. and Sekutowski, J.C. (1995), Green product design, AT&T Technical Journal., November/December, pp18-25). Derfor giver det jo rigtig godt mening at have fokus på dette allerede fra starten af udviklingen af et nye produkt.
Kortene har designer Tobias Tøstesen og jeg udviklet sammen og de er baseret på den viden, vi hver især har erhvervet os igennem arbejde med bæredygtig udvikling og grøn omstilling af virksomheder og i forskellige undervisningssammenhænge. Der findes idag 3 sæt af kortene i betaversion, og vi har en ny revideret version af kortene, og vi søger nu finansiering til at udgivelse den nye version af kortene i digital version som kan tilgået online og på sigt også en opdateret hard-version.
Kunsten af trives
Developed by lektor Silje Alberte Kamille Friis, og studieadjunkt Annegrete Mølhave.

Kunsten at trives benytter sig af natur- og kunstmetoder. Fx. udendørs arbejdsophold der kan åbne vores sanser, så vi får hele kroppen med og mærker øjeblikket. Kunstterapi der understøtter indre glæde og trivsel. Bog og kort rummer anvendelige øvelser og spørgsmål til processen.

The Flourishing Business Canvas is an element in a longterm flourishing plan for earth called The Flourishing Enterprise Innovation. Please check out their toolkit and canvas.