Monthly Archives: marts 2013

Servitising* Industry


Danske Maritime and DTU has joint forces in the Innovation Consortium: PROTEUS*. Working to jointly develop: a best practice – and the next practice for the area. At the  conference at March 19.  new knowledge was shared, about how after-sales service can be effectively integrated into business development and industrial organizations to become a source of revenue, rather than a cost to the company. At the PROTEUS Conference business cases was used to explain, how to effectively and systematically integrate service development into product development and business creation processes. Research assistant Jakob Andersen, DTU described a work-in-progress business models for PSS in the martime branch. Al very inspiring and encouraging for the Service Design area.

*Servitising: The servitisation of products describes the strategy of creating value by adding services to products or even replacing a product with a service. (Read more here.)

*PROTEUS: *PROduct/service-system Tools for Ensuring User-oriented Service

The PROTEUS research leader is Lector at DTU, Tim McAloone. The Innovation Consortium is sponsored by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.


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The Blue Economy


Do you want to be an entrepreneur, and figure out how you can make a difference?
This is not about the good and the bad, this is about how you can do it better. Hear how when 

Gunter Pauli explains about the ideas from his book The Blue Economy

Or watch the principles in this

3 minute animation video.


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