Read about Collaborative Consumption in the book: What’s Mine is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption, – or listen to Rachel Botsman at the Circular Economy 100 Annual Summit. Rachel Botsman is the co-author, with Roo Rogers, of the book and she writes, consults and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through network technologies, and on how it will transform business, consumerism and the way we live. Her new work focuses on trust and reputation capital and all of this is useful new ideas to be woven into thoughts about sustainable design.
BØRN & Bæredygtighed II
Projektet BØRN & Bæredygtighed II er 2. fase af et projekt, som først så dagens lys i november 2012, hvor 8 designstuderende viste deres bæredygtige designprojekter på en udstilling i Spinderihallerne i Vejle. Projektet er sat i verden for at samle og vise nye viden om Bæredygtig produktudvikling her i anden fase gøres dette ved at udvikle tre helt nye bud på bæredygtige produkter til børn. Udviklings-projekter der udføres af tre nyuddannede designere fra Designskolen Kolding, som er matchet med tre virksomheder med bæredygtige erfaringer og ambitioner. I tre individuelle samarbejdsprojekter udvikles nye konkrete, håndgribelige bud på bæredygtigt produktdesign. Bag projektet står Innovationsnetværket Livsstil, Designskolen Kolding samt TEKO og de endelige resultater bliver formidlet på en konference: Created4Kids som afholdet primo 2014.
Projektet blev startet op inden sommeren og de tre match er: Designduoen: TaDaaa (Rikke Karlsen og Maja Lindstrøm) som arbejder sammen med Green Cotten, Novotex. Designer Carl Emil Jacobsen som samarbejder med bObles og designer: Tobias Tøstesen som samarbejder med Flexa.
TaDaaa arbejder med historiefortælling og formidling af Green Cottons mange miljøbevidste produkter.
Carl Emil Jacobsen arbejder med udformning af legemøbler i modificerede træ for bObles, herunder ses hans afgangsprojekt som netop har vundet Bolig Magasinets award som – mest lovende design.
Tobias Tøstesen fokus er på udformning af et produkt, der er designet så det er hensigtsmæssigt i produktion og let at adskille efter anvendelse, så det kan indgå i genbrugscykluser. Herunder (tv.) ses Tobias’ afgangsprojekt som var et adskilleligt køkken, samt hans bidrag til The Tube – som var en lysekrone i LEGO klodser, som blev vist på Milanomessen.
Resultaterne af projekt BØRN & Bæredygtighed II vil blive firmidlet på konferencen Created4Kids International, som løber af stablen i begyndelsen af 2014.
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Træt af Bæredygtighed ?
Andreas Lloyd fra Borgerlyst er åbenbart …. træt af ordet. For han skriver i en kronik i Information, at det er et kedeligt ord, der har en klang af afsavn og dårlig samvittighed på samme måde som slankekur eller rygestop. Ups av! Og nej! Den går jo ikke, tænker jeg. For vi er jo slet ikke rigtigt kommet igang med at handle bæredygtigt endnu. I Andreas kronik søger han med inspiration fra Vugge-til-Vugge visionen at vende indgangsvinkelen til bæredygtighed til noget, der taler til andre sider af os – end afsavn og dårlig samvittighed, for det gider vi ikke. God læseløst. Link her:
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For 5 very busy days design students and business people from countries around the Baltic Sea participated in an InnovationsCAMP planed by the Innonet Lifestyle and held at the Design School at Holmen in Copenhagen. My role was as facilitator of the Design Workshop.
InnovationCAMP is part of the Comfort in Living project. The purpose of the project is to focus on product development for the comfort of living among the growing population of elderly people in the Baltic Sea Region. The project responds to the growing societal challenge of an aging population in Europe as well as in other parts of the world.
At the CAMP design teams and business teams where partnered across borders and worked jointly with design and creation of new solution for kitchens for the growing population of 65+. It was very interesting to see how Design Thinking used as a tool both in the Design teams and Business teams gave a hole new platform for co-creating. The hope is that this may bring solutions to the Baltic Sea Region market as well as the global market, as the population of elderly people is growing around the world.
The purpose of the DesignWORKSHOP was to use Design Thinking and User-Centered Design as an approach to develop new, innovative kitchen solutions for this group. Each Design Team joined forces to co-create solutions giving future elderly in Northern Europe the possibility to remain independent and empowered; living a life with possibilities in spite of physical constraints and the limitations that come with ageing.
Each team solution where evaluated by a jury on two criteria, and there where announced two winning teams, one for: Novelty of the solution, and one for: Potential for realization. Betina Simonsen CEO of Innonet Lifestyle where head of jury.
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Jeg har været ude og lege med Borgerlyst, som er et hverdagslaboratorium, der gerne vil skabe mere handlekraft hos alle os, der egentligt gerne vil, men måske er blevet lidt trætte af Borger-PLIGT og derfor klart hellere vil drives af noget så stærkt og dejligt som lyst. De to initiativtagere Andreas Lloyd og Nadja Pass er selv svære at holde tilbage og nu har de startet et nyt eksperiment, som de kalder Sammenskud Live. For nyligt afholdt de deres allerførste Sammenskud Live #1, som handlede om nye Mødeformater, og jeg var med. Det var tilmed så inspirerende, at jeg fik lyst til at prøve kræfter med hele ideen og har nu selv forslået et emne til et Sammenskud Live arrangement. Jeg har kastet en ide op i luften – og nu glæder jeg mig til at høre, om det måske er noget du kunne tænke dig at være med til? Jeg kalder det en DesignSALON og det handler om at dele ideer til, – hvordan vi kan handle mere bæredygtigt i vores hverdag – og på sigt skabe mere og flere bæredygtige løsninger i vores samfund ved at bruge design og designprocessen. Læs mere om DesignSALONEN her og hvis du ‘støtter’ udfordringen, kan det være at Borgerlyst tager min ide op…. og så ses vi til DesignSALON.
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3D Printing
Again there is more news about 3D printing. This area is RUNNING fast now.
Check this out, it is so cool and like a dream come true for any childlike person… like me: 3D printing with the mind – objects made by thoughts!
Anyone can use the machine and create real physical objects. Wearing an emotive EPOS brain-computer headset directing virtual mutations with the mind, which are controlled using small electrical impulses detectable in the brain and created in a form, that can be read by the latest 3D printers. Real cool stuff worked out by thinker thing.
NASA has a project where they experiments with printing food for space.
I gotta repost this post, since now jet another – and this time maybe even more disturbing new twist in the development of 3D printing. A gun! The 3D printed LIBERATOR pistol is made by Defense Distributed. The only non-plastic part of the design is a common nail, which acts as the firing pin. Law student Cody Wilson has made his ‘modern version’ of this one-shot pistol with inspiration from the Liberator pistol made doing World War II.
This post keep on growing … since I continue to run into more news about 3D printing these days. Maybe it’s because 3D printing is getting into serious areas like printing body spare parts and this gets more attention, or maybe it’s because the area is finally approachable technological and economical for ordinary people, like you and me? I don’t know? But the latest is – 3D printed organs from regenerative living cells, now I do not know, if I should scream of joy or of fear. Check it out for yourself – see a bit more details at Designboom.
And please enjoy this first fully articulated 3D-printed dress designed specifically for wonderful Dita von Teese.
And a bit in Danish – about the first 3D printer streetshop in NYC.
I slutningen af september åbnede den amerikanske producent af hjemme-3D-printere MakerBot – nok verdens første butik, hvor man fra gaden kan gå ind og købe en fuldt færdig 3D-printer. Butikken ligger i New York på 298 Mulberry St., og Ingeniørens nyhedsgrafiker, Lasse Gorm Jensen, var forbi nogle dage efter åbningen. Denne post er lånt fra hans artikel i Ingeniøren. MakerBot er startet i Brooklyn og har netop lanceret deres ‘Replicator2’. Modellen kan printe med en nøjagtighed på ned til 100 mikrometer. Den forrige model kunne klare 300 mikrometer.
Læs lidt mere om MakerBots i linket her til ‘Ingeniøren’. 3D printerne benytter den majsbaseret plast – PLA, – Polylactic acid, et majsbaseret biologisk nedbrydeligt materiale. Det tegner virkeligt spændende, PLA’en fås i et utal af farver, så nu er det op til dig, kun fantasien sætter grænser …
Se også TEDtalk om 3D printernes teknik og muligheder.
Tjek også denne nye 3Doodler, som er en 3D skitsepen… Besøg deres site og se videoen.
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Vindmølle workshop med Miljøministeriet
En spændende kombination af mennesker var samlet på DAC til Vindmølle Workshop sat i verden af Miljøministeriet. Der var toppen af industrien, græsrødderne, Ministeren og de kreative kræfter, som jeg havde fornøjelsen af at være med til at repræsenterer. Sammen udviklede og sparrede vi på, hvordan vi styrker Danmarks fremtrædende placering på det grønne energis verdenskort. Der blev arbejdet på kryds og tværs af fagligheder og udviklet ideer og prototyper, som blev præsenteret sidst på dagen. Dejligt med en modig minister, der tør at åbne op for nye processer i håbet om, at styrke udviklingen af en bæredygtig, grøn fremtid for Danmark.
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Servitising* Industry
Danske Maritime and DTU has joint forces in the Innovation Consortium: PROTEUS*. Working to jointly develop: a best practice – and the next practice for the area. At the conference at March 19. new knowledge was shared, about how after-sales service can be effectively integrated into business development and industrial organizations to become a source of revenue, rather than a cost to the company. At the PROTEUS Conference business cases was used to explain, how to effectively and systematically integrate service development into product development and business creation processes. Research assistant Jakob Andersen, DTU described a work-in-progress business models for PSS in the martime branch. Al very inspiring and encouraging for the Service Design area.
*Servitising: The servitisation of products describes the strategy of creating value by adding services to products or even replacing a product with a service. (Read more here.)
*PROTEUS: *PROduct/service-system Tools for Ensuring User-oriented Service
The PROTEUS research leader is Lector at DTU, Tim McAloone. The Innovation Consortium is sponsored by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.
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The Blue Economy
Do you want to be an entrepreneur, and figure out how you can make a difference?
This is not about the good and the bad, this is about how you can do it better. Hear how when
Gunter Pauli explains about the ideas from his book The Blue Economy
Or watch the principles in this
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Tara Donovan at Louisiana Museum
At the wonderful located Louisiana Museum in Nordsjælland a 25 min. drive north of Copenhagen Tara Donovan is right now showing her artwork. All surprising tight and convincing constructions of readymades, such as e.g. foil, straws and buttons that are upgraded by being turned into sculptural objects of beauty.
This artwork work very well in photos, but dont just look at pictures, you should go and visit the exhibition. Art should be experienced with the hole body – in real.
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